Hi, my name is Anshuman Shukla,
I'm a Web Developer.

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I am a Developer with a passion for finding creative solutions to complex problems while writing clean and precise code. A developer at heart, I find fulfillment in collaboration and having clear and effective communication. Driven to get opportunities in the world of technology, I seek projects that will allow me to apply my versatile skill set.

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Social Media Web App (Linkedin Clone)

A full CRUD application that made with love for technology using ReactJS, Redux and Firebase along with realtime database authentication and authorization.

ChatterBox (Full Stack Web App)

Realtime chat application helps user to Chat synchronously along with a name and well designed profile photo made using ReactJS for frontend and ExpressJS for backend interaction along SocketIO for realtime chat feature.

Digital marketplace (Amazon Clone)

A web application that displays information about products with a functionality to SignIn and Checkout into it using the ReactJS, Firebase, ContextAPI.

QuickNews Web App (Inshorts Clone)

A full web application which using Newapi.org API to fetch the latest news and made using ReactJS, React Router. Unfortunately, API is not currently providing a description and image URL for each article in live mode.

Management console

A dashboard web app that displays data in a visual and meaningful way using ChartJS as data visualization library. Created custom UI components, and implement responsive design. It shows charts, graphs, and tables to make the data more interactive and useful to both admins and users.

Docker - 2048 Web Application

2048 is popular game build using Docker container build using nginx for serving static and dynamic content, Zip tool for compress and decompress directories and Curl for transfering data to and from server.

Tell me a Joke (Microsoft Edge Extension)

Tell me a Joke is an extension made for by the purpose of to reducing boredome while working where it will suggest random Jokes fetching from API and without opening or closing any tabs. It's avaible for free to use in almost all browser Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Brave and many more.


Interested in working together? We should set up a time to chat.

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